Immersive and Compelling: Read an Extract from The School Run by Ali Lowe

Immersive and Compelling: Read an Extract from The School Run by Ali Lowe

Kaya Sterling does not dislike Estella Munro. The fact her new neighbour appears aloof and self-satisfied does not faze her. As far as Kaya is concerned, encountering someone like Estella Munro is a bit like drinking a flat white with bitter froth. The first acrid taste cannot be all there is to her – there has to be something pleasant beneath.

Kaya and Ollie have only lived in their new home for four days. Palm Cottage, which is not really a cottage at all by virtue of two spacious floors and four bedrooms, sits on the cliffside looking proudly out to sea, the first in a row of five houses a little along from the winding bend that leads from the heart of Pacific Pines to St Ignatius’ Grammar. Four bedrooms is far more than they need for just the two of them and Kaya feels they rattle around in the big house, but Paul had insisted they move to his childhood neighbourhood and to the house he had always cycled past as a boy. He had loved the way it sits clad in a jacket of snowy white slats along the cliff face, with an overgrown, oval backyard fenced off to the perilous headland beyond; and how the beauty of the house can only be appreciated from the water, sitting atop the cliff face as it does, or as a steering wheel is twisted round that perilous turn, leaving the heart of Pacific Pines far behind in the rear-view mirror.

One day, Kaya will charter a boat so she and Ollie can see their new home from its best vantage point, bobbing together on the very waves they hear caressing the cliff face as they fall asleep each night. She has added it to her never-ending to-do list stuck to the imposing chrome double-doored fridge, which is also way too big for their requirements: ‘paint shed’, ‘make new friends’, ‘charter boat’.

Estella has been standing on Kaya’s new driveway for less than a minute, both of them under the hot October sun, with Bandit weaving through their legs as retrievers do. Kaya has already watched her neighbour take in the front yard up close, her pursed lips suggesting disapproval. The previous owners of Palm Cottage had introduced a variety of species of plant in both the front and back gardens, the effect being an unruly, almost English feel, wild and overgrown, unlike the landscaped affair next door with its perfectly clipped hedge and slick, pruned palms…

Continue reading the extract here…

Buy a copy of The School Run here.


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          Publisher details

          The School Run
          Ali Lowe
          27 February, 2024


          The gripping, twisty and suspenseful new novel from Ali Lowe – perfect for fans of BIG LITTLE LIES and DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES!

          How far would you go to protect your children?

          For parents living in the beautiful coastal town of Pacific Pines, all their hopes and dreams are pinned on the outcome of the annual Gala Day hosted by St Ignatius Boys' School. To be accepted into the prestigious institution, their sons must battle it out, facing rigorous rounds of physical and mental tests. Their parents will stop at nothing to ensure their sons succeed.

          But after one boy is struck down in a hit and run, the scandals, secrets and lies that entangle three mothers threaten to unravel their seemingly perfect lives...

          How far will the women go to protect their reputations – and their families?

          Ali Lowe
          About the author

          Ali Lowe

          Ali Lowe has been a journalist for 20 years. She has written for bridal magazines, parenting titles, websites and newspapers in London and then Australia, after she moved to Sydney fourteen years ago on a trip that was meant to last a year. She was Features Editor at OK! in London, where she memorably stalked celebrities in Elton John's garden at his annual White Tie and Tiara ball.Ali lives on the northern beaches of Sydney with her husband and three young children.

          Books by Ali Lowe


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