Derek Dool Supercool 1: Bust a Move

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Adrian Beck, Scott Edgar
Children’s Fiction
03 March, 2020

Derek Dool Supercool 1: Bust a Move

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Think of the COOLEST, FUNNIEST, most HANDSOME kid in school, times it by a gazillion and you get DEREK DILBERT DOOL. At least he thinks so . . . Pity he’s the only one.Life’s tough when your name’s Derek. You’re destined to be uncool. But Derek is determined to find something - anything - that will change that. He’s sick of being picked last in PE, of not being invited to parties, and of all the cool kids using his freckles as dot-to-dot challenges. Derek is going to find something that will make him SUPERCOOL and nothing is going to stop him.


Next Hilarious Chapter: Read another Extract from Derek Dool Supercool: Bust a Move by Adrian Beck and Scott Edgar

Review | Extract

9 April 2020

Next Hilarious Chapter: Read another Extract from Derek Dool Supercool: Bust a Move by Adrian Beck and Scott Edgar

Laugh-Out-Loud New Series: Read an Extract from Derek Dool Supercool: Bust a Move by Adrian Beck and Scott Edgar

Review | Extract

2 April 2020

Laugh-Out-Loud New Series: Read an Extract from Derek Dool Supercool: Bust a Move by Adrian Beck and Scott Edgar

Guaranteed Laughs: Review of Derek Dool Supercool: Bust a Move by Adrian Beck and Scott Edgar


2 April 2020

Guaranteed Laughs: Review of Derek Dool Supercool: Bust a Move by Adrian Beck and Scott Edgar

Scott Edgar
About the author

Scott Edgar

After a childhood steeped in role playing games, comic books and getting in trouble for drawing lizard warriors in the margins of exam papers, Scott has gone on to a career in the creative arts which has taken him through theatre, music, comedy, games, radio and television. But he always finds his way back to his first love of drawing lizard warriors in the margins of exam papers.Scott studied Design at Monash University before running off to join the circus (aka a Theatre Production degree at the Victorian College of the Arts). Scott works in the comics, games and children’s book space. And he is also a writer for games and animation, for studios such as the Cartoon Network and Ubisoft games.

Books by Scott Edgar

Adrian Beck
About the author

Adrian Beck

Adrian Beck writes funny, action-packed stories for kids. Adrian produces the TV show, Kids’ WB, and has also worked on The Logie Awards, Carols by Candlelight, Prank Patroland Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Adrian is the author of the Champion Charlies series and Stuff Happens: Dale plus he co-wrote the Kick it to Nick series with AFL legend Shane Crawford. Adrian is the co-editor of Total Quack Up, along with Sally Rippin.

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