Q&A with Poppy Starr Olsen, Author of The Colourful World of Poppy Starr Olsen

Q&A with Poppy Starr Olsen, Author of The Colourful World of Poppy Starr Olsen

What is the number one thing you want kids to take away from The Colourful World of Poppy Starr Olsen?

I’d love kids to get a sense of adventure from the book and that anything is possible. I hope my weird, funny family also inspires kids to be completely themselves because life is too short to hide who you are!

Did you have to do any research for the book?

I guess the main research I did was with the drawings! I spent hours looking through my old cartoon books on how to illustrate people, their body movements and facial expressions.

What was it like looking back on your own childhood?

It was a really fun process! We would get up to so many adventures as kids so it was fun to go through the memory bank and then drawing parts of them!

What was the process like creating illustrations for the book?

The start was difficult because when I draw there is close to no thought process involved haha! I just draw whatever comes out of my head at the time. Whereas for this, I had to illustrate what I thought would work within the pages. I also found it hard drawing certain things but once I got into the swing of it, I would be drawing for hours, sometimes until 3am in the morning!

You’ve said the book is something you would’ve loved to have as a kid. What is one thing you hope stands out to kids when they read it?

I think that you can do anything you set your mind to and that it doesn’t just have to be one thing. I’d love kids to be inspired to be completely themselves but also know you can work really hard for something but have fun and be kind at the same time. I hope they also realise that if you don’t win sometimes it’s not the end of the world. Being an awesome person is a winner in my eyes!

Poppy Starr Olsen grew up on Sydney’s famous Bondi Beach. Her whole life has been spent moving and creating, from surfing, swimming and skating to drawing, painting and jewellery design.

Poppy took up skating at age eight, and in 2014 she was crowned world under 14s champion, continuing her reign the following year in the over 15s category. In 2016, Poppy was the first Australian woman to compete at the Summer X Games, and in 2017 she won bronze in the women’s skateboard park as well as gold at the inaugural World Roller Games in Nanjing, China. Fast forward to 2021 and Poppy burst onto the world stage when she made her Olympic debut in the women’s skateboarding in Tokyo, finishing fifth overall.

Poppy is now based in Newcastle and divides her time between Australia and wherever the world competition takes her.

Buy a copy of The Colourful World of Poppy Starr Olsen here.

Publisher details

The Colourful World of Poppy Starr Olsen
Jess Black, Poppy Starr Olsen
Puffin Books
Children’s Non-Fiction
30 August, 2022


A funny and fresh novel for young readers from Australian Olympic skateboarder and creative soul Poppy Starr Olsen.

A novel from Australia's top female skateboarder, written with Jess Black, author of the bestselling Kaboom Kid series.

My name is Poppy Starr Olsen. I’m twelve. I’m a bit of a dreamer. Okay, a lot of a dreamer. I love drawing and being creative. I also swim, surf and skate. And, well, this is my story . . .

You’ll meet my family. They’re really loud but I love them to bits. And you’ll meet my friends - they’re so cool.

There’s some drama in my story, too. Think: an awesome skate comp I’m not allowed to enter, but then I am and it’s going to be cancelled! I have to figure out how to save the comp and work on my best tricks in the bowl and keep up with my school work and create my art. There’s so much to do! But it’s an epic adventure.
Poppy Starr Olsen
About the author

Poppy Starr Olsen

Poppy Starr Olsen grew up on Sydney’s famous Bondi Beach. Her whole life has been spent moving and creating, from surfing, swimming and skating to drawing, painting and jewellery design. Poppy took up skating at age eight, and in 2014 she was crowned world under 14s champion, continuing her reign the following year in the over 15s category. In 2016, Poppy was the first Australian woman to compete at the Summer X Games, and in 2017 she won bronze in the women’s skateboard park as well as gold at the inaugural World Roller Games in Nanjing, China. Fast forward to 2021 and Poppy burst onto the world stage when she made her Olympic debut in the women’s skateboarding in Tokyo, finishing fifth overall. Poppy is now based in Newcastle and divides her time between Australia and wherever the world competition takes her.

Books by Poppy Starr Olsen


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