Q&A: Jenny Lecoat, Author of Beyond Summerland

Q&A: Jenny Lecoat, Author of Beyond Summerland

What can you tell us about your new novel Beyond Summerland?

It’s a story of a community, trying to come to terms with the end of its Nazi Occupation of 1940-1945. Many writers, myself included, have written about the wartime years, but I realised that the period just after the war has rarely been covered. In this novel, the young women of two fictional families are trying to process the horror of what they’ve just lived through, and realising that the removal of the Germans soldiers is just the first step on a long road filled with bitterness and alarming discovery.

Where did the inspiration for Beyond Summerland come from?

A conversation with old friends in Jersey in 2019, discussing our parents and how affected they’d been by the war. Also, several members of my family were betrayed in 1944 for sheltering a Russian slave worker (the subject of my 2017 film Another Mother’s Son) but the two elderly women accused of informing on them never had any evidence brought against them. I wondered how often that had happened in the island in the years after the war, and how a scenario like that might play out.

As Beyond Summerland is inspired by true events, what was involved in your research for writing this novel?

The people who lived through this period as adults have largely passed now. But I have a shelf full of Jersey history books, the internet, and I’m lucky enough to have direct access to expert historians such as Dr Gilly Carr of Cambridge University who knows the islands’ wartime history inside out. I also have my own personal memories of many locations – I visit regularly to see friends and family. It’s important to start with the facts, then build the fiction from that raw material.

Beyond Summerland is set in the aftermath of WWII – what intrigued you about this period in particular?

Most of the island population was traumatised in 1945. All had been starved and persecuted, some were bereaved, and many were filled with fury at the way they’d been treated for the last five years. In many cases that anger, robbed of its real target, turned against other islanders they felt had contributed to their misery.

What do you hope readers will get from your book?

I hope they will enjoy a page-turning story with strong female characters in an extraordinary situation, but also see that history constantly repeats itself and that the themes within these pages are everywhere in the world today.Who are some of your favourite authors – or favourite books?

Where do you start? I like a good story, but prefer books with something to say.

In the past I have devoured books by Anne Tyler and William Boyd… Recently I have loved the work of Anthony Doerr and Kit de Waal. I recently read Douglas Stuart’s Shuggie Bain and was knocked out by it. But I always come back to George Orwell, whose principles of clarity are ones I try to write by.

Buy a copy of Beyond Summerland here.


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      Publisher details

      Beyond Summerland
      Jenny Lecoat
      Allen & Unwin
      02 July, 2024


      Jersey 1945. In the immediate aftermath of Liberation from the Nazis, Jean Parris and her family wait anxiously for news of her deported father.

      But now a different kind of war is unleashed - a war amongst the islanders themselves. And as Jean, now a young woman, begins to question everything, she soon discovers not only the truth about her family, but the full implication of her own deceptions.

      Beyond Summerland is a page-turning story of ordinary people in extraordinary times, and a tale of long-buried family secrets. It explores suspicion and prejudice, female friendship, and the fictions we cling to when we cannot afford to let them go; it is also a story of survival and the dangers of finding oneself on the wrong side of history.

      Jenny Lecoat
      About the author

      Jenny Lecoat

      Born in Jersey, Channel Islands, Jenny Lecoat's parents were raised under German Occupation, and both families were involved in resistance activity. Lecoat moved to England aged 18, where following a drama degree, she spent a decade on the alternative comedy circuit as a feminist stand-up. She was nominated for the prestigious Perrier Award in 1986. Jenny also wrote for newspapers and women's magazines and presented TV and radio shows, before focusing on screenwriting from sitcom to sketch shows. The Girl from the Channel Islands (initially published as The Viennese Girl) was her first novel and was a New York Times bestseller.

      Books by Jenny Lecoat


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