Q&A with Skye McKenna, Debut Author of Hedgewitch

Q&A with Skye McKenna, Debut Author of Hedgewitch

What inspired the idea behind Hedgewitch?

Hedgewitch springs from a lifelong fascination with British and Irish folklore; witches, faeries and other legendary creatures. It also comes from a love of wild places and the magic inherent within woods and forests, the way they enchant and terrify us at the same time, and the experiences of my very outdoors childhood. I wanted to create a world in which magic wasn’t just for a select few, lucky enough to be born with it, but where anyone could access it, if they had the skills and training. Hedgely exists somewhere between the world we know and the completely enchanted land of Faerie, it’s a borderland where the real and magical worlds meet.

How did you go about developing the characters?

Some characters appeared fully formed in my head, with a clear voice and sense of purpose. Others were a bit shyer and took some time to get to know – they’re often the most interesting though, with secret thoughts and motivations behind their actions. For me, the most important part of developing characters is in figuring out their relationships with others – who do they get along with and who rubs them up the wrong way? What are their family like? Who do they look up to? Answering these questions often helps the plot to take shape too.

Can you tell us a bit about your writing process?

I create a light chapter outline before starting the first draft, and a more detailed one when I begin editing, but it’s always important to leave wiggle room for new ideas that come up and not to be too wedded to the plan. I try to have a clear sense of what the main character wants from the beginning, and how the wants and needs of the other characters will conflict with this, so I often find myself writing out arcs for the secondary characters too.

What were your favourite books as a child?

I’ve always gobbled up fantasy books but those I liked best touched upon our world or had elements of reality in them; it made me feel that magic was just around the corner. My favourites included: C.S. Lewis, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones, Lucy M. Boston, Penelope Lively, Edith Nesbit and Rosemary Manning. I also loved a good talking animal story and was a huge fan of Dick King-Smith.

Did you always plan to be an author? What led you to where you are today?

I wanted to be a writer or an illustrator when I was a child – I was a voracious reader and couldn’t imagine a better job. Unfortunately, I gave up on the idea for many years, I was encouraged to do something more practical and believed that writing was an unsustainable career. It wasn’t until after my first trip to the UK, when I visited many of the places featured in my favourite books, that I began to start writing again. It was a slow process, though, I spent about ten years writing and developing different ideas before I submitted Hedgewitch.

What’s some great advice you’ve received that’s helped you as a writer?

Patience is key. Writing is a craft and you need to spend time learning it, including the bits you’re not naturally good at. Be patient with yourself and someday you and your book will be ready. It’s also vital to allow time for daydreaming – we fill every spare second with screens and pages and tasks these days, constantly consuming content, but the best ideas often come when we let our minds wander. A little bit of boredom is actually healthy for a writer. It’s in those moments, when we have to entertain ourselves, that some great stories are born.

Buy a copy of Hedgewitch here.

Skye McKenna grew up in the iron ore mining town of Newman in the Australian outback. Surrounded by the red dust of the Great Sandy Desert, she developed a healthy respect for wild things and wild places at a young age. Longing for adventures of her own, she travelled to England and fell in love with the British countryside. Skye now works in heritage and recently curated the Magic & Mystery exhibition for Barley Hall, York, introducing visitors to real and legendary wizards and alchemists and developing activities for school children and families visiting the exhibition. Buy a copy of Hedgewitch here.


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Publisher details

Skye McKenna
Children’s Fiction
12 April, 2022


Ages 9+

When Cassie runs away from her dreary boarding school, in search of her missing mother, she ends up in the magical village of Hedgely and discovers she comes from a family of witches - women who protect Britain from the denizens of Faerie, who are all too real and far more frightening than the story books suggest.

First in a magical five-book series for readers of NevermoorThe Worst Witch and The Dark Is Rising.

It has been seven years since Cassie Morgan last saw her mother. Left at a dreary boarding school, she spends her days hiding from the school bully and reading forbidden story books about the world of Faerie.

Certain that her mother is still alive, Cassie is determined to find her, whatever the dangers, and runs away from school. Lost and alone, she is chased by a pack of goblins but, to her surprise, escapes with the help of a flying broom and a talking cat named Montague, who takes her to the cosy village of Hedgely.

Here she discovers that she comes from a family of witches, women who protect Britain from the denizens of Faerie, who are all too real and far more frightening than her story books suggest.

Skye McKenna
About the author

Skye McKenna

Skye McKenna grew up in the iron ore mining town of Newman in the Australian outback. Surrounded by the red dust of the Great Sandy Desert, she developed a healthy respect for wild things and wild places at a young age. Longing for adventures of her own, she travelled to England and fell in love with the British countryside. Skye now works in heritage and recently curated the Magic & Mystery exhibition for Barley Hall, York, introducing visitors to real and legendary wizards and alchemists and developing activities for school children and families visiting the exhibition.

Books by Skye McKenna


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