Breaking News: A Million Downloads of Better Reading’s Stories Behind the Story Podcast – Thank You!

Breaking News: A Million Downloads of Better Reading’s Stories Behind the Story Podcast – Thank You!

We are thrilled – and rather proud – to announce that Better Reading’s Stories Behind the Story podcast has over 1,000,000 downloads. It’s quite a milestone.

As you know, podcasts have revolutionised the ways we engage with media – as a digital medium, they are informal, loose and tailored to specific interests and niches.

The Stories Behind the Story podcast brings conversations about reading and writing to your ears each week. Cheryl Akle chats to authors about how they came to tell us their stories. Authors share their writing process, influences and road to publication. Since its inception, Cheryl has interviewed the who’s who of the literary world, including guest authors Nigella Lawson, Dawn French, Matthew McConaughey, George Saunders, Julia Gillard, Malcolm Turnbull, Michael Connelly, Michael Mosely, Richard Flanagan, Kathy Reichs, Miriam Margolyes and Dr. David Sinclair – to name a few.

Podcasts are booming, and we’re excited to grow and expand with the medium. By 2020, 9 out of 10 Australians knew what a podcast was. By 2021, podcasts had 54% growth, reaching over 9 million Australians. Lockdown saw a huge surge in podcast listeners, with over 500 million downloads in 2021. Worldwide, at current growth, there will be around 424 million podcast listeners by the end of this year.

With the Stories Behind the Story podcast, we’ve seen big demographic shifts over the past twelve months, with a huge percentage of our listeners now in the 18 to 34-year-old age group. These people are readers, interested in our interviews with authors and other book professionals, including publishers and journalists. They are interested in STORY.

We look forward to the future, delivering more great author interviews and continuing to grow in this exciting area. We can do so because of you – because you listen, review (please review!) and continue to download every week. For this, we thank you.

A new Better Reading podcast is released twice weekly and is available to listen to on your device via Spotify, Apple and all other podcast platforms. Happy listening!

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                      1. Caregiver Connect says:

                        Thanks for the wonderfull blog.. Caregiver Connect

                      2. says:

                        that is amazing.. UMR Provider Portal

                      3. Patricia Fitzsimmons says:

                        COMPLAINT TO THE CBA ON 4.10.2023
                        CFPL illegally claimed to AFCA in 2019 and 2022 that I was never charged ‘ongoing adviser service fees’ from 2009 to 2016. I have copies of my CFSIL Transaction Account, CFSIL Half-yearly Statements, and Page 29 of my 2009 Agreement which displayed that I had refused to pay any ongoing fees. AFCA is currently investigating my complaint further, and I provided it with the above proof documents. I have a list of dozens of CBA complaints staff who have also claimed from 2018 to the current date that I was never charged these fees. I hereby allege that CFPL and CFSIL either concealed or destroyed my transaction account and half-yearly statements. In August 15, 2018 Mr Rob Bowen at CFSIL was the first person who claimed that I was never charged these fees and obviously passed this information on to the CBA and its complaints staff who obviously never even checked or requested copies. CBA also claimed that I had been paid compensation and other monetary offers which were binding and resolved my complaints, which I allege was absolutely systemic and unconscionable. I am 81 and am in a traumatic state, because I’m not just sticking up for my own rights as there could be thousands of other vulnerable, elderly clients who would have been treated in the same systemic manner. I have passed all this information to ASIC, APRA, Treasury, BCCC and multiple others, as well as Journalists, who were obviously given false information if they contacted the CBA.