The Better Reading Book Club Live: Frequently Asked Questions

The Better Reading Book Club Live: Frequently Asked Questions

Bk Club date free square-minOn the last Wednesday of every month, at 8pm, we’re launching our live, interactive book club where you can join in the passionate conversation about books. We’ll be choosing a book that we know you’ll want to talk about and we’ll be selecting some very special guests to join us each month.

Joining our Book Club is easy and everyone’s invited. All you have to do is head to our Facebook page at 8pm on the last Wednesday of every month. A few other questions people have asked us:

Q: Do I have to like your Facebook page to join?

A: Yes, you’ll need to ‘like’ the Better Reading Facebook page to see the video and make comments.

Q: Do I have to read the selected book to join the book club?

A: No, we’d love you to read the book which will be announced on our website blog and our Facebook page at the start of each month, but you don’t have to. You can simply watch and listen.

Q: Who chooses the book to be discussed at Book Club?

A: Better Reading will make the final selection but we are very happy for people to make suggestions or for authors or their publishers to submit books that they think would be great book club books.

Q: What sort of books will you be doing for Book Club?

The success of our book club rests on audience participation so we’ll be choosing books that have been published within the last couple of years (although, at some point we might even select a classic) and some new releases. We’ll select books that we know many of you love and that are conversation-starters. We’ll mainly cover fiction but certainly from time to time, we may choose memoir, biography, true crime or other books that we think will ignite a great debate.

Q: What’s the dress code?

Ha, ha. There is no dress code. Cheryl and her guests will make an effort but you don’t have to. You can wear your PJ’s if you like – you can see us, but relax, we definitely CANNOT see you.

Q: Can I comment?

A: Yes, the whole point of Book Club is for everyone to have their say so we welcome and positively encourage comments from you. Simply comment as you would on any other Facebook post. We’d love to hear from you even if you don’t like our choice of book so please let us know why you did or didn’t enjoy it. We only ask that you stick to the subject of the chosen book, be respectful to our guests and other members of our Facebook community and keep foul language to a minimum! Cheryl will attempt to address the comments during the discussion and members of our community are welcome to comment on each other’s posts too. We apologise if we don’t get to every comment.

Q: I can’t see the comments. What can I do?

It’s important to keep refreshing (reloading) the page as you watch so it stays up-to-date. Depending on your computer, there is a shortcut key to make this easier. There is a slight delay so you may not see your comment straight away.

Q: Who are your ‘special guests’?

A: Each month we’ll select one or two guests to join Cheryl on the sofa. They might be an author, a journalist, a publisher, or simply someone we know who is as passionate about books as we are. You may have heard of them or you may not have. Publishers and authors are welcome to invite themselves if they’d like to join the discussion!

Q: Can I receive an alert so I can remember to join in?

A: For the first book club you’ll need to mark the date in your diary or create your own alert on your phone or computer. However, during the first book club, you can choose to click the ‘subscribe’ button to receive future alerts when we are live. We encourage you to do this so you don’t miss out.

Q: What if I want to leave book club?

A: Of course we’d hate to see you go, but there’s no obligation. You can simply switch off at any time.

Q: What if I miss book club or can’t make it that night? Can I still see it?

A: Yes, no problem. We’ve chosen the 8pm AEST time so that both our east coast and west coast audience (and everyone in between) can join in, but if you can’t make it, the live Facebook stream is automatically recorded so by visiting our page afterwards you can catch up with the recording.

Q: Is it BYO?

A: Yes! Strictly BYO. So grab a coffee, tea, glass of wine, chocolate or whatever takes your fancy. We want this to be fun!

Q: We heard you were having a live audience. Where can I purchase tickets?

Yes that’s right! For our Book Club on the 30th of November we are having a live audience which you can be part of! You can join us at the Better Reading office in Camperdown from 7.30pm to 8.45pm for refreshments and be part of our live audience as we discuss our next book, Holding by Graham Norton. Click here for more information or to purchase your tickets!

Please let us know in the comments if you have any general or technical questions so we can add them to our list of questions. Thanks.

BookClubLogoThe Better Reading Book Club Live with Cheryl Akle every last Wednesday of the month at 8pm (Australian EST) via our Facebook page


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                      1. Dorothy says:

                        If I have not been able to watch the bookclub online on 25th May despite having read the book in preparation for that event ,would it be possible to view the video recording of the program?

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                      3. timothyferriss says:

                        There is no dress code for the Better Reading Book Club Live. You can wear whatever retro bowl you are comfortable in, even pajamas.

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